Coconut Champion Ground
Jackie O's
Imperial Stout with Coffee and Coconut (Bourbon Barrel-Aged)
アルコール度数/ABV: 12.6%
麦芽: 二条大麦、ミュンヒェナーモルト、アロマチックモルト、スペシャルB、クリスタル、チョコレートモルト、キャラピルス、ブラックモルト
Malt: 2-Row, Munich, Aromatic, Special B, Crystal Malt, Chocolate Malt, Carapils, Black Malt
副原料: ジャマイカ産ブルーマウンテンコーヒー豆、ココナッツ
Adjuncts: Jamaican Blue Mtn. Coffee Beans, Coconut
Around the brewery, we listen to a lot of reggae, drink a fair share of coffee, and are devoted to our barrel aging program. In 2015, we had a one off Imperial Stout aging in barrels for close to a year. These barrels had a rich chocolate/vanilla character, but were asking for a boost. After aging, conditioning on heaps of toasted coconut and Jamacian Blue Mountain Coffee creates a rich tropical experience.