Mystic Mama

Mystic Mama


Jackie O's

West Coast Style India Pale Ale

アルコール度数/ABV: 7%
麦芽: 二条大麦、カラピルス、ホワイトウィート
Malt: 2-Row, Cara Pils, White Wheat
ホップ: コロンバス、シムコー、センテニアル、シトラ、ファルコナーズフライト
Hops: Columbus, Simcoe, Centennial, Citra, Falconers Flight


This West-Coast inspired India pale ale offers lots of flavor and aroma without over-powering the senses. A complex blend of 5 hops lend a firm bitterness to the notes of grapefruit, tangerines, and pine. A big dry hop addition of Citra and Simcoe hops give Mystic Mama a nose to stand up to the flavor.